Title I Reading Program
Title I is a federally funded grant program aimed at providing educational opportunities for lower performing students in schools with economic need. Please use the below information to learn more about our Title I program.
What Is Title I?
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965 created the Title I program and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 reauthorized it. Funding comes from free/reduced lunch numbers.
Title I support is supplemental to the core classroom to help your child reach their potential and meet AZ reading standards. Queen Creek Elementary’s Title I program provides services to students in kindergarten through fifth grade who show the greatest need in reading-related areas. We focus our limited resources heavily on early intervention in the youngest grades because research shows that is where you can be most effective.
How Does My Child Qualify?
We use DIBELS testing to determine a child’s need for Title I support. DIBELS is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy and reading skills from kindergarten through third grade. DIBELS stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. DIBELS tests five skills that are necessary for learning to read. Research shows that children who learn these skills become good readers.
In fourth and fifth grades, we use DIBELS DAZE scores and DORF scores.
What Does Title I Look Like?
First Grade
- 30 minute “Pull-Out” small group using our intervention curriculum
Second Grade
- 30 minute “Pull-Out” small group using our intervention curriculum
Third Grade
- "Pull-Out” small group for 30 minutes using our intervention curriculum
- We will group children as much as possible according to their specific needs (decoding/phonics, comprehension, fluency, etc.)
Fourth Grade/Fifth/Sixth Grades
- "Pull-Out” small group for 30 minutes, 3–4 days a week.
- We use DIBELS DAZE and DORF scores to determine a child’s specific needs.
- Instructional materials include leveled readers, informational text, reciprocal teaching strategies, kits, and test taking strategy books.
Will My Child Receive A Progress Report?
The reading progress of students in the Title I program is a collaborative effort between the reading specialist, classroom teacher, and Title I room instructional assistants. Because the program is supplemental, the teacher is the primary communicator to parents and knows how students are performing in reading.
Twice a year at conference time, you will receive a Title I progress report with basic information on performance in intervention and curriculum. The report will also contain specific feedback on strengths and weaknesses. Kinder Title I services are teacher directed and directly reflected on their report cards.
In October and March, parents may request that the reading specialist attend a conference. You may request a phone or in-person conference at any time.